Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Wish It Were a Mini Cooper to Play With

We (our office) are considering a move to mini computers.

I’m playing with one of the HP 310 mini laptops for a few days.


We shifted from traditional desk top computers (keyboard, under the desk computer ‘box’ and monitor) a few years back. Current typical set up is a laptop (which, of course, travels with us when in the field), docking station, monitor and full size keyboard. Basically, we swapped out the under the desk computer with a laptop.

What we’re looking at now is to down size the laptop. No big deal.

However, we’re looking at changing our overall IT services set up.

To combat corruption, over the years (decades actually), NC government has centralized core services such as office supply purchases, vehicle acquisition, etc. This prevents local offices from giving deals to their friends and family. And it applies the power of mass / bulk purchasing to get better prices saving taxpayer dollars.

Of course, as in all things bureaucratic, there are inefficiencies and unintended consequences.

For example – our office pays for ‘turnkey’ IT services. For a fee we get hardware (laptops, monitors, etc.), connectivity (LAN hardware, software, access) and internet access.

Essentially – we pay for email, internet access, maintenance and such and we ‘rent’ our laptops / hardware.

With the move to the HP minis – we will purchase outright the hardware – mini pc’s, flat screen monitors, docking ports, keyboards, etc. We’ll continue to contract with NC IT Services for LAN and internet access / services and server operations and maintenance.

With the purchase of the minis – we’ll contract with Verizon for unlimited cell phone data service for the new mini pc’s. That way, when we’re out of town, we won’t have to search for free wifi – we’ll have access via cell phone towers. This is kind of like ‘bundling’ since we already use Verizon for our cell phones and service.

Even with our one time expenditure for new hardware and the addition of cell phone data service – we will save about $30,000 in the first fiscal year alone! That’s about $500 per person for an office of 60.

The savings comes from no longer ‘renting’ hardware from IT Services. Yep – we are paying a LOT to rent our laptops, monitors, etc.

After the first fiscal year – the savings will be even greater since we won’t be buying totally new equipment each year.

Bottom line – a reduction in annual costs with continuation of existing IT Services provided LAN, email (Microsoft Exchange), internet access, server maintenance and operations PLUS adding cell phone access.

What makes the initial pc outlay sweet is that Verizon / HP is going to make $ on providing bulk cell service for 50+ laptop users. In the same way cell phone providers make money on services (practically giving away their phones) Verizon / HP is giving us a huge discount on the mini pc’s and associated hardware.

Essentially, it’s like phone service. Cell phones are basically commodities – cheap or no cost. Laptops are headed that way as well. The internet access services contract with Verizon will be pretty much the same as a cell phone contract. We get the pc’s cheap – pay for the connectivity service – and every couple years or so – trade in the pc’s for new ones.

Better equipment, expanded service and a big reduction in annual costs – that’s how it supposed to be done.

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1 comment:

井上エイド said...

Since IT equipment usually becomes obsolete in three years, you should lease computers and printers, not buy them outright.