Monday, June 14, 2010

Interesting Graphic +Addendum

The Deficit has me worried. Really worried.

Actually, I've always kept a bit of an eye on the deficit. Hence, the National Debt ticker I've had on this blog for quite some time.

I ran across this very interesting graphic. Of particular note - Iraq war estimated total and the US Government worst case financial crisis cost (i.e. debt).

Here's the link:

Also - take a look at the 'predicted' cost of the war - back in 2005.

I knew the numbers put out by the Bush Administration, especially Dick-head Cheney and Rumsfeld, were bald faced lies the moment I heard them.


No, not focus on the debt. My car - Ford Focus.

Wouldn't start this morning. But it didn't behave like a dead battery - it made some very odd electrical sounds and all the dashboard lights and gauges flickered and the needles started dancing around.

No time to mess with it at the moment. Used the truck to get to work.

Came home this afternoon to see if I could jump start it and get it to the Ford Dealer. I've jumped started many cars - I've never had one pop and spark like this one when I tried to hook up the cables. More like a ka-pow rather than a spark.

OK - this is not good. Let's call a tow and have it taken to the Ford Place.

I'll update this entry when I find out what the problem / repair is.


The Dealer says it just the battery. I hope that's true - but like I said - I've never had an almost dead battery make the instruments behave like that before.

On the way home from work - I also had wondered if it was just the battery. So, I stopped by Advance Auto in Pittsboro to see if they had the right sized one for it. Yes they did - $92 plus tax. Get the car over to them and they'd put it in free.

Well - when I got the fireworks trying to jump start it - that's when I wondered if it was something more serious.

Bottom line - replacement battery is $189 at the Ford place. This does not include the towing cost.

I expected it to cost a little more at the Ford place. But over twice as much?

That's a rip off.

Wednesday Addendum

Final bill was $156 and change. About $110 for the battery and $30 for labor. Plus some miscellaneous charges. So, not as bad as I was told over the phone - but installation would have been free at Advance Auto.

Thanks to Dave S for helping me shuttle cars back and forth.

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