I am working this week at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte.
Among their curricula, CPCC has several automotive technician programs. CPCC has one of the premier automotive technology programs in the country. They are so well regarded that the various manufacturers support the program by providing vehicles for the students to work on and learn with.
We’re not talking used junkers - we’re talking brand new vehicles.
And we’re not talking stripped down cheapo cars – the manufacturers provide a variety of cars to train and learn on.
These cars are routinely taken apart and put back together. After the school is finished with them they are returned to the manufacturers.
There are liability issues with allowing these cars to be sold or used on the road.
Not that there is anything wrong with the cars – in fact – they are probably in the absolute best condition and in perfect running order when the students are finished with them.
But – due to liability – these cars can’t be put on the road.
So they are sent back to the manufacturers – sometimes used in-house for the manufacturer’s own training courses – but eventually crushed.
These photos were taken in one of CPCC’s garage bays / classroom today. It was one of the most pristine automotive shops I’ve ever seen.
The cars in this particular bay are brand new BMWs. Including a fully equipped 760Li V-12.
Which will eventually be crushed.
Sigh . . . . . . . . .
Id give one a good home :)
I attended CPCC many many decades ago, studied modern day programing like Fortran and Cobal. They didn't have the campus they do now but still was a good school.
I guess it was smart of them to switch to automotive tech though, doesn't seem to be much use for Fortran or Cobal now.
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