Since this weekend, only 3 of the raccoons have shown up for dinner. The mom and 2 of her offspring. It's hard to tell from their looks, but going on behavior, the strongest, most aggressive offspring doesn't seem to be with us anymore.
The 2 offspring are almost the same size as the mom. You can only tell the difference when they are all grouped together. Then you can see that mom is still just a little bit larger than the kits.
Their color is also changing for the fall. There's a lot more reddish color to their fur. Especially around the tail rings.
Fall his here and nature is kicking in to make them more survivable during the fall and winter colors.
I handed out potato chips tonight. You have to let them eat the dog food when they first come up. They're pretty hungry and trying to give them anything by hand at that time is
not a good idea. Later though, when they've had a pretty good meal of dog food - then its OK to hand out little treats. One of them like to take crackers (or potato chips) in it's paws. The other one daintily waits to have the chip placed in her mouth with her paws at her side.
Oh, there's also been a possum showing up for leftovers. I think it's ugly as sin. Nuke thinks it's cute.
Let's see - what else is new?
Not much really.
Back in the office this week. Lots of desk work to get caught up on.
Nuke is visiting for a week or so. He's been helping me out in the yard while I'm at work. Mowed the grass and he's been taking down some of the growth in the side yard septic field. The moisture there has the wild growth going strong. Otherwise, just about everything is brown from this years extended draught.
We've been watching Ken Burn's
The War. Excellent documentary.
I've just finished some vacuuming and house chores. The noise from the vacuum cleaner bothers Nuke and sends him scurrying up stairs to his abode. Hmmmmm . . . Now that I think about it, that might come in handy. ;-)
Still need to make my lunch for tomorrow and force myself to go through some bills and paperwork stacked up on the dinning room table.
Just the usual and ordinary weeknight.
That's about it for now.