Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I've posted before about groups that frequently gather when the General Assembly is in Session.
My offices are on the 4th floor of the Education Building. This morning I heard chanting outside my window. This particular group wants more funding for Special Education programs in the public schools.
Good location for people driving by to see them but the real 'powers that be' are on the other side of the building.
The second photo is from the back of the Education Building looking towards the Legislative Office Building to the right and the General Assembly Building to the left. The bridge / walkway goes over Lane Street so people going back and forth from the LOB to the General Assembly Bldg don't have to dodge traffic all the time. Every so often, someone floats the idea of building a tunnel between these two buildings. Very expensive proposition. Umbrellas are cheap. Plus, if you rally on the grass lawn - the lawmakers have to traverse that area and I kind of like the idea of our elected representatives having the opportunity for 'face time' with us common folk. If you click on the second photo and zoom in you can see some of the assembly members going between buildings.
This group would have gotten better attention of the legislators had they staged their rally on the green plaza outside the LOB.
BTW - that grass lawn is the roof of an underground parking deck. Pretty nifty.
Mission Accomplished
Normally I don’t post about politics. This is the exception.
Warning - Ranting Follows.
Today is the fourth anniversary of George W telling us “Mission Accomplished”.
He also told us the reason we needed to invade was because Iraq was a haven for terrorist (lie) and that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (lie). (Of course, it’s a haven for terrorists Now!)
We were also told that the war would cost around $50 Billion (lie). I recall that the GAO estimated about $120 Billion and the administration went ballistic and said that number was absurd. As of this week – the tally is at $500 Billion. Granted, it's impossible to estimate with certainty - but the Administration knew they were lying when they said $50 Billion.
They also told us that as soon as we booted Saddam Hussein out of power, we’d get the oil fields running and that revenue would pay for reconstruction.
Of course, the ‘case’ for invasion conveniently glossed over the fact that Paul Wolfowitz already had plans drawn up for an invasion of Iraq before 9/11.
The biggest blunder of the war (apart from the decision to invade in the first place) was when Paul Bremer, against the strenuous advice from the Military, decided to totally disband the Iraq security forces.
Granted, there were a lot of bad guys in the Iraq army and police, but they could have been weeded out. Instead, with the stroke of a pen, any semblance of security was wiped out and hundreds of thousands of men were put on the street without jobs or income. And they blame the US. If Bremer were actually in the Army, he should have been Courts Marshaled for gross incompetence and Dereliction of Duty. Instead, Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
It isn’t just the Administration – Congress votes the budgets and has let the President get away with his lies to the American people.
This is the same Administration and Congress that gave us the thoroughly ineffective TSA. What a waste of billions of dollars.
The Bush Administration ran on a platform of Morality and 'Christian' Family Values. Bullshit. (Exodus 20:16 (KJV) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.)
This administration and president lies to us. It is staffed with third rate appointees who's hallmarks are loyalty to the president and lack of competence. They distort facts and twist the truth - to the President and the American People.
The President knows he and his people have told us lies. And if the President honestly believes some of the things he's told us - then that just tells me he's incredibly stupid.
The George W Bush Administration will not go down in history as a mediocre presidency. It will be remembered as thoroughly ineffective and one of the most grossly incompetent administrations in American history.
Mission Accomplished. Brownie, you're doing a heck of a Job. I mean, Bushie.
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Well said!
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