I’ve been real busy at work and tired when I get home, plus, nothing’s really gone on so here’s an obligatory entry about nothing for the week.
Friday night and listening to RadioParadise. Waiting for LOTR The Return of the King to come on TV. I never caught the last installment at the theater.
Let’s see . . . .
Wednesday evening my sister, nephew, niece-in-law, and great niece came over for dinner - spaghetti with tomato sauce and Italian sausage. It was pretty good. And easy to fix.
It was a simple quickie dinner as DH was worn out from work. MIH and GH were tired from moving rooms and painting at DH and MIH's house. E was the only one ready to go. You can see it in the photo.
Roommate cleaned up the house including getting E’s little chair off the deck and washing it. They brought Cinderella on DVD. That’s a long movie. I’d never seen it.
All day at work Thursday I was humming the Bippity Boo song!
Thursday evening my laptop decided to lock up on me. All I was doing was reading email. Then – the blankety blank thing froze up and wouldn’t reboot! Where’s the Fairy Godbroad when you need her?
Nuke tried to fix it but we couldn’t get past the boot volume unmountable message. He had to search around the house to find the original operating software discs and reload.
Thanks JN (aka JFC) for fixing the pc.
Got the car’s oil changed and tires rotated on the way home from work Tuesday. I really like my Focus. It’s a blast to drive.
Tomorrow I’ll address Christmas cards and take them and a package to the Post Office for mailing. Have to get that done before the Moncure Post Office closes at noon.
Nuke might do some volunteer work at the Carnivore Preservation Trust tomorrow. Or maybe not.
In any event, we have a basketball game at 3 PM. NCSU vs Mount St. Helens, er, Mary’s. Or some Saint who’s a Mountie or a Saint getting mounted. I’ll have to check the tickets.
The movie's started.
That's about it for a typical week.
Addendum Saturday Morning
I can’t believe I forgot.
Wednesday, after everybody left, I got in the hot tub around 2200 to watch the Geminides meteor shower. In the span of about 20 minutes I counted 12 meteors. The peak was predicted to be around 0100 but I just couldn’t stay up that late.
10 o'clock at night sitting in a 100 degree hot tub in 39 degree weather watching shooting stars.
Not a bad way to spend time.
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